500,000 protesters march in London (some unrelated to the real event tear the place up)

"Campaigners claimed they targeted the 300-year-old store because its owners are at the centre of a £40million tax avoidance row. Protesters also occupied Vodafone, Boots and BHS stores on Oxford Street for the same reason .

Sally Mason, one of the protesters who occupied the store, said: ‘Fortnum & Mason is a symbol of wealth and greed. It is where the Royal Family and the super-rich do their weekly shop and a picnic hamper costs £25,000.
‘This sits in stark contrast to everyone else who is struggling to make ends meet, fill in their tax returns and benefit forms and facing huge student debts, unemployment and the closure or dismantling of local services such as the NHS, libraries and leisure centres.’"

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1370053/Anti-cuts-demo-Protesters-occupy-Fortnum--Mason-half-million-march-London.html#ixzz1HkgLzsvu

Note:  The article refers to the protesters as "anarchists" which seems odd - since the protesters are asking for their government to do something.  This is contrary to the definition of "anarchist."  

The article typifies the media attacks leveled at protesters everywhere - always trying to make them look nuts.  But it is hard to believe that there are 500,000 nutty people who are anarchists.  

The mainstream media, is failing in its attempts to serve their rich masters as the propaganda becomes ever more transparent to the general public.

Although above article makes the event look insane - check out following article which seems to show a more balanced view:

"Violence flared away from the rally when a group of hundreds of activists, not connected with the union protest, clashed with police. They set off fireworks, threw paint and attacked shops in Oxford Street, Regent Street and Piccadilly."
Read more here at "Independent"

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