I started writing this blog in March 2007 after my apprentice - in a filthy hotel room somewhere in Texas, turned his laptop toward me and asked me to watch the following video: (forgive me if you are already aware of this smoking gun...)
It is interesting (to say the least), that, this billionaire several times over gets a "pass" after admitting that they "pulled" WTC7.
Why did he get a pass? Why? And why do I ask?
Lucky Larry made a shipload of money on 911 - payed out by insurance companies that were either involved - or employ the dumbest insurance investigators on the planet. After all - means - motive - and opportunity - all were present. Why would such a savvy big-bucks man admit to the crime?
Perhaps the nature of the interrogation....er......interview influenced his answers. You see - an interview - as opposed to an interrogation, bring different answers from the "perp."
Lucky Larry - was being interviewed - not interrogated - when he committed the only sin recognizable in Amerika: the sin of being caught.
When a person is "interviewed" - the climate is a bit light - the importance of which is ...that the person answering questions - has their guard down. If being interrogated by , say, a functioning FBI team (no waterboarding puleeeeez) - the answers would be very very different - meaning that the "perp" would think about every utterance - carefully weighing each and every syllable before uttering it - because the "perp" would know that ears and eyeballs of interrogators were finely tuned to each utterance.
The video of the interview above - shows a "perp" answering benign questions - which they really really were - and - in turn - the "perp" answers those questions in an unguarded manner. WE THE PEOPLE - possessing the highest and finest common sense, not to mention, ultimate power in this wayward nation - can see so easily - that he admitted to giving the green light to "push the plunger" on WTC7. It is so f'ing obvious that there is nothing to discuss - unless the discussion is with those still growing in the dark feeding on sh$t downloaded into their minds by the OWNED cover-up, complicit, so-called 'mainstream media."
When I first watched this video - I was shocked that I'd never seen the footage before. When I asked my nephew - "What reason/s were given for this building's collapse" - and he said "fire" - it changed my life forever. Why? Because if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck - I cannot conclude anything other than what is right before my very eyes. The truth - the raw truth - the unfettered conclusions of said raw truth - is not something I can let go. Especially as an American citizen.
AS a blogger - my search for "truth" has led me down a dark path indeed - a path - that when traversed - forces the mind on the journey - to encounter the good, bad, and ugly. As my years-passed-away father-in-law - who'd traveled the seven seas as a merchant-marine said to me; "You keep reading - and you areNOT GOING TO LIKE WHAT YOU FIND." I stored that away in my memory banks as a twenty-something motorcyle-riding nut - only to discover years later how right he was!
I've wanted the truth - sought it out - only to find that I don't like what I see. I see American citizens acting in opposition to everything America stands for. I hear people on local radio stations here in Charlottesville, VA - giving a free pass to Zionists - war-mongers - and folks that may not even be Zionists - shilling for war with Syria and Iran. Knowing the backstory on this propaganda has chilled me to the bone.
I don't like the truth now. It is everything I never wanted it to be - but that cannot change my pursuit for what is right in this world.
The "truth movement" - whatever that is - is BIG. Those smart enough to understand what is at stake - our very Liberty - and those even smarter to understand how fragile is the veneer shielding civilization from anarchy - can understand.
Watch this rant - then the AJ video below:
I've been taking some flak recently from people who hate Alex Jones - implying that he doesn't do enough to show the grip that AIPAC and the Israelis have on our government "representatives."
My answer:
"Thanks Joe: It seems that the trouble with this so-called "truth movement" is that almost everyone involved cannot tell the "whole truth" for one reason or another.
Alex has brought many good facts to light - for that he is to be supported. It is possible that there are some facts he cannot fully report on - for whatever reason.
My analysis: His positives far outweigh negatives - not even close.
It is the nature of the beast - we all have to work together - and instead of finding reasons to divide us - find the common causes that unite us.
I've said time and again that the way you can tell who your enemy is, is very simple: Those speaking against the Constitution and Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence - upon which these United States were founded - are your enemy. Those speaking in support of such - and calling those out on the carpet that are attempting to usurp our liberty are friendlies.
That is the only test I can think of for the present state of affairs - Alex passes that test quite easily.
I hope this helps and thanks for commenting.
It is interesting (to say the least), that, this billionaire several times over gets a "pass" after admitting that they "pulled" WTC7.
Why did he get a pass? Why? And why do I ask?
Lucky Larry made a shipload of money on 911 - payed out by insurance companies that were either involved - or employ the dumbest insurance investigators on the planet. After all - means - motive - and opportunity - all were present. Why would such a savvy big-bucks man admit to the crime?
Perhaps the nature of the interrogation....er......interview influenced his answers. You see - an interview - as opposed to an interrogation, bring different answers from the "perp."
Lucky Larry - was being interviewed - not interrogated - when he committed the only sin recognizable in Amerika: the sin of being caught.
When a person is "interviewed" - the climate is a bit light - the importance of which is ...that the person answering questions - has their guard down. If being interrogated by , say, a functioning FBI team (no waterboarding puleeeeez) - the answers would be very very different - meaning that the "perp" would think about every utterance - carefully weighing each and every syllable before uttering it - because the "perp" would know that ears and eyeballs of interrogators were finely tuned to each utterance.
The video of the interview above - shows a "perp" answering benign questions - which they really really were - and - in turn - the "perp" answers those questions in an unguarded manner. WE THE PEOPLE - possessing the highest and finest common sense, not to mention, ultimate power in this wayward nation - can see so easily - that he admitted to giving the green light to "push the plunger" on WTC7. It is so f'ing obvious that there is nothing to discuss - unless the discussion is with those still growing in the dark feeding on sh$t downloaded into their minds by the OWNED cover-up, complicit, so-called 'mainstream media."
When I first watched this video - I was shocked that I'd never seen the footage before. When I asked my nephew - "What reason/s were given for this building's collapse" - and he said "fire" - it changed my life forever. Why? Because if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck - I cannot conclude anything other than what is right before my very eyes. The truth - the raw truth - the unfettered conclusions of said raw truth - is not something I can let go. Especially as an American citizen.
AS a blogger - my search for "truth" has led me down a dark path indeed - a path - that when traversed - forces the mind on the journey - to encounter the good, bad, and ugly. As my years-passed-away father-in-law - who'd traveled the seven seas as a merchant-marine said to me; "You keep reading - and you areNOT GOING TO LIKE WHAT YOU FIND." I stored that away in my memory banks as a twenty-something motorcyle-riding nut - only to discover years later how right he was!
I've wanted the truth - sought it out - only to find that I don't like what I see. I see American citizens acting in opposition to everything America stands for. I hear people on local radio stations here in Charlottesville, VA - giving a free pass to Zionists - war-mongers - and folks that may not even be Zionists - shilling for war with Syria and Iran. Knowing the backstory on this propaganda has chilled me to the bone.
I don't like the truth now. It is everything I never wanted it to be - but that cannot change my pursuit for what is right in this world.
The "truth movement" - whatever that is - is BIG. Those smart enough to understand what is at stake - our very Liberty - and those even smarter to understand how fragile is the veneer shielding civilization from anarchy - can understand.
Watch this rant - then the AJ video below:
I've been taking some flak recently from people who hate Alex Jones - implying that he doesn't do enough to show the grip that AIPAC and the Israelis have on our government "representatives."
My answer:
"Thanks Joe: It seems that the trouble with this so-called "truth movement" is that almost everyone involved cannot tell the "whole truth" for one reason or another.
Alex has brought many good facts to light - for that he is to be supported. It is possible that there are some facts he cannot fully report on - for whatever reason.
My analysis: His positives far outweigh negatives - not even close.
It is the nature of the beast - we all have to work together - and instead of finding reasons to divide us - find the common causes that unite us.
I've said time and again that the way you can tell who your enemy is, is very simple: Those speaking against the Constitution and Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence - upon which these United States were founded - are your enemy. Those speaking in support of such - and calling those out on the carpet that are attempting to usurp our liberty are friendlies.
That is the only test I can think of for the present state of affairs - Alex passes that test quite easily.
I hope this helps and thanks for commenting.
My friends - please understand where I am coming from - it's simple - from the standpoint of an American. By "American" I mean a supporter of the fundamental principles upon which this country was founded - the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, BILL OF RIGHTS, AND CONSTITUTION.
I am not inflexible - but without good cause - see no reason at this point to deviate from this rock-solid foundation of government gifted to YOU and ME. The guys involved in the construction and maintenance of this system of government were far from stupid. On the contrary they knew tyranny. That is why they did the things they did, wrote the things they did, and warned us of the manner in which ourLiberty could be taken away.
Dear reader - I must admit - I'm scared. Really. We are in big big trouble - why?
At the present time I am convinced that the factions in our own military - are in-fighting - to wrest absolute control of our tax-supported and fake-"mainstream" media affirmed military power. There is no more posse comitatus - there is no longer rule of law here in Amerika.
Perhaps there never was - but my short lifespan hasn't allowed me the true 20/20 hindsight required to sort it all out. JFK was killed for many reasons - attacking the FEDEral RESERVE, preparing to shut down the military industrial gravy-train by stopping the insanity in VietNam - and for threatening to scatter to the wind the filthy lying mafia known as the CIA.
Anyone tuned in - awake - aware - knows that Usama bin Laden was dead by DEC 2001. Kidney dialysis and life-longevity do NOT GO TOGETHER. That is a no-brainer. Then SEAL team Six - somehow - die en masse - in a Chinook. Hmmmmmmm.
If you are in the military or police - I beg you to become informed. The precipice upon which America teeters is not a joke. We are facing violent revolution - and those of you still following illegal orders - whether due to fear for your or your families lives - or other reasons - need to grow a spine - and speak up NOW.
If anyone thinks they are "in the know" and "playing the game" and therefore safe - I'd suggest thinking this mess through. The wars upon which this US govt. is engaged in - are simply - ILLEGAL. THAT MEANS YOU ARE A WAR CRIMINAL.
The wheels of justice do, indeed, grind slowly. Will your kids remember you for "just following orders" or for standing up for what is good and right in this world?
Remember that there are two golden rules:
" Do unto others as you would have done to you "
"Those with the gold make the rules"
if you took an oath to defend the Constitution from ALL ENEMIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC - think about your oath every time you follow an order - especially if you must pull a trigger to kill another "enemy."
Folks - we are approaching zero hour. Ron Paul is running for prez. - he is the rock when it comes to support for what is American - he is our last chance to avoid violence.
Talk is cheap. People are judged by their actions. That means YOU.
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