Trying to Take Obama seriously

I almost fell for this actor - but friends helped me see past the marketing when he ran for office.  Yes - I'm talkin' about the jackass in the White House.  What a hypocrite.  It's beyond embarrassing - after all - he's saber-rattling for war with Iran.  What a surprise - NOT!

Consider this:
"WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama said Thursday that officials at the "highest levels" of the Iranian government must be held accountable for a brazen and bizarre plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States on American soil, insisting leaders of the world will believe the U.S. case without dispute once they absorb the details."  read more HERE

This is the "hypocrite" part.  Does this teleprompter-reading promise-breaking Constitutional-Scholar-claimin'/champion of the downtrodden-pretendin' war-startin' follower-in-chief really want us to BELIEVE these balsa words?  Talk is cheap - let's take a look at actions.  By the way - forget democrat republican etc... labels - boring.  Let's stick with plain ole' common sense.

Stupid Obama just keeps repeating the same old crap - but wait - didn't he claim to have killed an American on the soil of a sovereign nation that never attacked us?  And hasn't this fraud of a prez presided over the relentless drone-attacks against people who never attacked us?  The answer is YES.  If you wish to argue with me - explain all the dead kids in Pakistan.  Such actions of a government collecting money from me makes me feel like a coward for writing these words, yet still paying taxes that support these war crimes, so I can sustain my existence.  What to do?  

Everybody is looking at each other - doing nothing - realizing these goofball-psychopathic killers will stop at nothing - yet the pain for most hasn't quite hit home - YET.  BUT IT WILL.

The question is - In what fashion?  

Did you know that Barack Obama is a war hero?  That he actually served as an infantryman combat-seasoned veteran?  Would you believe he's been awarded medals for valor fighting the same enemy he is prepared to send your kids to kill - because he faced them in a fight to the death himself?  Would  you believe I have a bridge for sale?  Would you believe I can grow wings and fly? 

Commenters to this blog have asked for solutions.  OK - let's give it a try.

1.  The Draft:  Yep - it is time for the draft.  Why?  Because most Americans believe and hope that their own kids - or themselves will never be involved in these wars.  In fact - most Americans are unaffected so - don't care about the lies, war-crimes etc... enough to take the time to examine the facts.  Good.  If that's the way they want it - then let them have it.

I've spent enough time talking to family members - some with pretty amazing athletes as sons - they don't get it.  I've told them years ago these nut-jobs are going after Iran.  Well the time has come.  When the notice comes for junior to get on a plane for Iran - perhaps never to return in a vertical position - then - and only then will the parents take notice of the blatant lies forwarded by their own government, pentagon with media/propagandist assistance to foment war with nations that pose no threat.

We need a draft right now.  It's sad but true.  As soon as possible.  Then - and only then - will the people come to a realization that WAR is a last resort.

2.  Government and military personnel - stop obeying orders that are illegal.  Any orders issued to YOU during an ILLEGAL UNDECLARED WAR ARE ILLEGAL.  Stop following those orders - or join the Nuremburg ranks.  It is as simple as that.

3.  Whistleblowers - it is time for government insiders and police "in the know" to join the revolution - grow up - come up for air from fantasyland and realize now - that if YOU DON'T ACT - WE THE PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO ACT ON YOUR BEHALF!

4.  Stop paying taxes.  I don't know how to do this gracefully - but we all have to stop feeding the beast.  They keep taking our money and spending it on the agenda of the best-funded lobby.

5.  Elected officials - if you are in office and are being blackmailed - leave office - do it for yourself and your family, do it for your country - just get out NOW.

6.  Get off the grid:  The fewer dollars you spend on anything - the fewer tax dollars are collected from you.  Somehow this tactic must be focused in a combined effort of millions - and focused upon certain toxic entities - let's say for example Monsanto.

7.  Buy things you need locally - especially meat and produce.  Support your local farmers and pay extra if you have to.  Go down to their property and talk to them - you may be pleasantly surprised when you find out what excellent stewards of the land and livestock they really are - and how responsible and educated they are in the proper and minimal use of insecticides etc...

8.  Take over local radio stations.  If you can't buy one back and start talking about local, national, and international issues with the local listeners - then call in to the local shills and make their lives miserable.  Get on the air and with an orchestrated effort ask questions that set a trap.  Get in their faces on the air.  Remember that most of the shills are prepped and depend upon talking points and don't really know their history.  Let them have it where it hurts.  Consult the seniors you know in the community so you can get a good taste of REAL HISTORY and approach the staged event from an angle the radio liars haven't anticipated.  The audience will follow up when you pique their interest.

9.  Quit bleating, like a sheep, slogans - like "Support our Troops" without thinking through the slogan.  Support our troops in an undeclared illegal war?  Why?  

10.  Get you loved ones out of the U.S. military since they are being USED to commandeer the assests of other nations.

11.  Get the religion out of politics - once this topic comes up - the emotions and unprovables fly.  You'd might as well erect a human-sized hamster wheel and run on it until you drop from exaustion.  Trust me - you'll have gone NOWHERE.

12.  Drop your subscriptions to stupid publications like Time and Newsweek.  Get rid of you cable subscription to the History channel and CNN AND FOX.  They are feeding you garbage.

13.  Demand EVIDENCE.  Exhibit A:  the latest false-flag Iran bullshit - do I need to spell this lie out for you?


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