2012: Vote for Ron Paul - not Mayor McCheese or the Hamburglers...

Rick Santorum:  I have nothing personally against this skank  - and, although I pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, that Rick Santorum will be hit by a train and ground into hamburger for the rats and ants to eat... - I don't harbor any hard feelings or ill will toward this inside-job-wrecker-of-rights.

But picking on the puke from Pennsylvania, my home state, land of the mafia,  where interstate 81 takes 50 years to fix, I think it is only fair to change the focus to the Hamburgaler - AKA Mittney - AKA - Mitt the Romney.  Mittney - son of the guy that ran American Motors.  The guy that was for the VietNam war (he'd never fight) before he was against it.  This ultra-rich pile of lying shit that will do whatever it takes to make sure his pockets are lined - by the Bushies - including that NAZI George Herbert Walker Bush, the guy the CIA is FUCKING NAMED AFTER - the guy that will give Mittney his license to kill, his license to loot - legally - then cover all the tracks - just like they covered all their cocaine, heroin, opium, CIA drug dealing tracks all the way back to the murder of JFK - but - hey - that's all in the past right?  That's exactly what the Bushies are hoping for - the ole "just move along - nothing to see here" mentality - where your president is shot to death in public - the facts show there is a gigantic coverup - with the Bush syndacite in control of the "operation" - and we are all supposed to tune into Comedy Central and watch fucking John Stewart and S Colbert make jokes about first-degree murder of our president - and of our current president doing a "hitler" and making an illegal "law" legal that he, chief traitor-in-charge has the "right" to put you kids in prison without trial?  We are talking about a psycho here folks - you know - like the fukin pukes that eat people - that's what is occupying the wshite-house - an imposter with un-verifiable credentials - from, as his wife says, and get the pronunciancion right you stupid footbal-watching Constitution - nothing 

Although Mittney the Scammny (I need more than I already have) piggy Mitt Romney is a jackass - and Sanitarium is too -since both are willing to bomb the shit out of people for nothing - let's think about this Corpora-fuck we live in - media-wise and politica-liar-wise.

Sanitarium came out of nowhere - which means - decoded - that elections were stolen for a skank nobody wants even living next to them.  The guy is nucking futs.  We all know that.  Rick Sanitarium LOVES children in the womb - but - not if they are in the womb of an Arab overseas in a country that never attacked us - worshipping a God he doesn't think is the right God - oh - now it is OK to kill kids in the womb - as long as they are the offspring of mothers who worship the "wrong" God.  Holy fuck - can you say violent religious extremist?  Ricky the Santarium needs to go Bye bye phukin now before he phuks up big-time - but he is too stupid to know what he is doing.  He just follows orders anyway - Geezuz or otherwise....  Let's talk about the next corporacharacter from McPrezland - Mayor McCheezz - wannabe - Newt the Gingbitch.

Newt - this swine-of-a-Tammany-Hall-wannabe career politician( thief of public money)  was hurredly thrust into the public eye - by the fake corporate media - the Major leegs and the minor leegs - a la Rush being major and this fake-hippy-Israeli-firster Robb (the schill) Schilling here in C-ville.  They get on a conference call - complain about everything Ron Paul says is wrong with the country - complain that there is nobody doing anything about "it" - then beat Ron Paul up for doing exactly what they complain are the issues plauging the country.  Can you say "traitor?"  CAn you say hang these fuckers when the game is up?  Bwa ha ha - I'll tie the noose - and their day is coming.  They are betting it all on a game lost - and I can't wait to see these traitors swinging after the trap-door is sprung.  Ha ha ha ha ha.  

Everybody keeps asking - but what would Ron Paul do about this and what would Ron Paul do about that?  The answer, as always, is, for you to consult the CONSTITUTION.  THAT'S THE "GOLD STANDARD" ON WHAT MAKES AMERICA GREAT.    

All the other scumbags put up there by the banksters and war-profiteers - GE - all of them -(GE owns NBC) and MSNBC)  - all of them are paid liars with the task of explaining away, with the help of the lying corporate cheerleading media - why they fucking lied to you last time.  But - believe us now, they say - we'll not lie to you this time!  REally - we won't lie to you like we did last time!  All of them!  When are you people gonna' wake the phuk up?  When are you people gonna' GROW THE PHUK UP?  

All Ron Paul has to answer - is....as always.....LOOK AT THE RECORD - SEE HOW I VOTED.


If you want your loved one to live - to not die for a lie overseas - to wear a uniform and support liberty - vote for Ron Paul - there is absolutely no other candidate that can offer, with a proven record, going back decades, that can be the Champion of America and all that America stands for than Ron Paul.

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