Happy Easter! A dose of medicinal truth for my fellow Americans

I hope you are enjoying your weekend - if you are "into" Easter - Happy Easter!

I tip-toed through some tulips today - not to far from here.  Spent some quality time with the family.  Watched everybody yukkin' it up at an awesome tulip farm up on 29 North of Charlottesville, VA.

I took as many back roads to get there as possible - since the route passing through and exiting Charlottesville is not only a death-trap and ugly - but a gauntlet of county police hiding in shrubs, behind signs, lurking in shadows, radaring and lasering away to keep their miserable meaningless jobs "protecting" us from ourselves on the way to the tulip farm.

I've had it with the cops.  I fucking hate them.  They are a gang of gun-slinging fucking NAZIs - intent on collecting as much money from a public with zero to spare - to keep their jobs and expand the power of their silly little departments.  When I see a cop I see a criminal.  

http://now.msn.com/now/0329-easter-cops.aspx (Cop in Bunny suit Rats out drivers)

Allow me to add a disclaimer.  Some of the guys/gals around here wearing uniforms ARE good people.  They are a minority.  Nuff said.

Getting back to Easter  - here we are - watching all the devout Christians celebrate their holiday surrounding "turn the other cheek" - "do unto others" etc....   Let's examine this.


Did I get that right?  Who cares?  It's bullshit.  Wake up!

If Americans were doing unto others as they wished to be treated, we'd be dropping fucking bombs on ourselves!  Do I have to post pictures of little five-year-olds with multiple bullet wounds on their corpses from our beloved troops?  Let me add the hypocrite christians to the shit-list I have the cops on.  Meanwhile - let's think about what all these Gwad-fearing Americans will be supporting on Monday - 


I've been against the war with Iran for a long time.  I think the information provided for me to support doing any harm to these people is invisible.  It's all lies from the same lying fucks that sold us the war on IraQ that cue-ball or Curveball or whatever the lying pukes name is (recently confessed he lied) - the same liars are selling us another blood bath.  I am totally against that - but it seems my football/basketball/soccer obsessed fellow Americans don't give a shit if they bomb them or not.  I've sent videos, news articles and everything I can find from whistleblowers getting the shaft for speaking to power etc... and the same people I know ask me where I get the time to read all this stuff.

Maybe we SHOULD support bombing Iran for absolutely nothing and killing them and our troops for absolutely nothing.  Finally - we'd have done it.  Started the great World War 3 everybody's been talking about.  Maybe that's what these silly clowns that call themselves American citizens need - to take some losses.

Maybe I should stop calling my brother, who has three athelete sons and quit "bothering" him with information demonstrating that the people that WILL TAKE HIS KIDS AND SEND THEM TO DIE FOR NOTHING - maybe I should just sit here and watch it happen.  Believe me - he'd wake up when the box came home.

Maybe I should stop sending emails to the sucker/useful idiots that run the local radio shows here in Charlottesville, VA - emails about how autism is a fucking epidemic and maybe the fifty-thousand shots they pumped his kid up with just MIGHT have had something to do with his kids life-change.  Maybe I should stop calling the other guy - who claims to follow the teachings of Jesus - and his Israeli guests who don't know what a "USS LIBERTY" is - and let the idiots go ahead, push the buttons, say fuck diplomacy and watch as Israel is turned into a nice smooth disc of green glass.  

Maybe it would do cowardly, patient, go-ahead-and-feel-my-daughter's genitals at the airport right in front of me Americans some good to suffer some more humiliation, to take some more un-prescribed illegal uncalibrated radiation at the airports - at the sides of the roads - going into the supermarket - hey - have a party with it!  Maybe I should egg them on because that may accelerate things so maybe they would get worse before they got better.

Maybe I've been wasting my time with this stupid blog - saying the same things over and over - knowing all the time that talk is cheap.  That an educated American public is just a fantasy - and that propaganda is not only a tool - but our TRUE FORM OF GOVERNMENT.


There have recently been multiple hype-media-circuses surrounding media-labeled "racial" crimes around the country.  The same big-mouths that have disgraced the screens of America's telescreens for the last several decades slithered out of their holes to create as much public acrimony towards each other as possible.  Interesting.

Have you ever noticed that when there is a real disaster - such as the Fukushima THREAT -  that this disaster - is sugar-coated - and passed off as a non-issue?  Isn't that amazing?  I'm not sure if GE built this one but c'mon people - NBC ain't gonna' report on their sugar-daddy GE owner for causing a disaster that may cataclysmically F-up the planet now do you?  If GE didn't build this one - then the people selling these monstrous water-boilers (that's really all they are folks) - that leave us with radioactive waste that must be disposed of by shooting it at Arabs - I mean - really - do you think they are going to tell you about that?  That might cause an UNCONTROLLABLE PANIC - and that panic may lead to the powers-that-be learning the hard way what TAR AND FEATHERS is all about.  

Have you ever noticed that when there is a fake disaster - like the underwear bomber - who had no passport and would have been denied access to the flight if it weren't for government operatives who MADE SURE HE GOT ON THE FLIGHT?  

Have you ever noticed that the eyewitnesses to this event - attorneys - who saw the entire incident - were kept from getting the word out to the citizenry?  Why.

Our media is a mass-mind manipulation apparatus - nothing more - and its job is to ensure that the herd moves in the direction intended by the puppetmasters.  


Look at the Republican presidential "race" - a fake horse race - where useful idiots like "Bible Bomber" Santorum and "Contract with America (breached) Gingrich were brought out for the required media circus and to whip up the various election-blocs.  

None were ever intended to win - in fact - I'd bet the candidates themselves were lied to - and used - just to occupy media time - lots of media time - so much media time - so that the choice candidate of America - Ron Paul - could be sidelined - blacked out - elections stolen - and it might seem possible.

I've traveled a bit lately - and the only signs - and lots of them I've seen were for Ron Paul.  I have NEVER EVER EVER SEEN A SIGN FOR Santorum or Romney ANYWHERE.  I have never ever heard anyone I know - in various cities - in various social strata - ever mention Santorum or Romney or Gingrich EVER.  Don't you think that is a little odd?  That if the only communication I had with REAL PEOPLE speaking FACE TO FACE about politics is that the only person that would have come up is Ron Paul - yet the media crammed the other idiots down our throats pretending that the candidate we all wanted didn't exist?  Ain't that a bit odd?

The puppetmasters are the controllers of OUR MONEY.  That means THE FEDERAL RESERVE - A PRIVATE SECRET CABAL calling themselves the Federal Reserve - LENDING US OUR OWN MONEY AT INTEREST.  Why?

Why are they the anointed ones?  Huh?  Who the hell are these people?   Obviously they aren't worth a damn because our financial situation is SNAFU***!  They suck!  Time to get rid of them!

And who the hell do we owe all this interest to?  


I suggest that whomever it is that America owes interest to - we tell them to go to hell.  Wait for answer.

If they say - Listen America - you pay up or else!

I say:  Listen ass-crack - you have 60 seconds to put a spit-shine on my sandal or I will send the Navy SEALs to kill you.  Wait for answer......

Ass-crack responds - uhm - well - you'd better pay up or.....

At this point I'd have them killed legally - that is - if I were president.  Don't forget - the executive has that power now - to kill anybody they feel like - you, me - your kid, your mother - doesn't matter who - doesn't matter why.  

Might as well start with the bankers.


Have a happy Easter!
***SNAFU means "Situation NORMAL all F'd UP"  Ha ha - normally f'd up.  ha ha.  my money spent on normally f'd up slaughter.

When I see a kid in pain - as a result of adult actions - something inside me just ......oh man.....how can they do it?  How can adults who know better hurt these innocent, defenseless little kids - contribute or cause their and their family's suffering - to "limit" the population or to buy a new boat?

I admit - seeing a kid fucked up deliberately -by adults that should have been able to work this out - that is fuel for a fire inside of me that competes with the sun.

A word of warning to the monsters out there - you had better get busy and fucking kill me - because I will never ever ever quit until you lay off the fukin kids.  Roger that assholes?

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