Thomas Jefferson's "Swiss Army Knife" - picture through glass

The "clock" in the back is an odometer (CLICK).  Before they built this new visitors center, the old visitors center contained what I remember to be this set of items, and the set was called "Jefferson's pockets."  In the old visitors center - this display set contained an additional item:  A pistol with a removable barrel.  The pistol is no longer on display with this set.  When I inquired as to why it was no longer there - I was told that "it was taken off display."  Since I could already see that - I asked about the decision process.  They told me it could have been removed for any number of reasons.  I didn't inquire any further.

I haven't been up there for a coupla' months - maybe they'll put it back - so the kids can see that Thomas Jefferson wasn't allergic to guns.  Or maybe they already have.  I think it would be a good idea.

UPDATE 2/19/11  The "lighter" is a case for the mini-draftng set spread out.  I think the "ruler" is a tiny engineers scale, and the "feeler gauges" are ivory sheets riveted together to slide, a mini-notebook you write on and erase with a pencil.  Notes still on there.

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